"There is a dearth of Christian preaching in our
country. Now don't get me wrong: there's a lot of 'biblical' preaching in our
country. I say 'Biblical' because while it comes from the Bible and seems to
accurately interpret the text, it doesn't have anything specifically Christian
about it. The Bible points to Jesus. 'But wait,' you may yell, 'there's lots of
preaching about Jesus in our country!' And I'll admit that His name gets thrown
around in a lot of sermons, but that doesn't mean the sermon is accomplishing
the text's primary goal: if a preacher fails to take a text from its original
context to the cross, bury it in the grave, and then spring it out victorious
in resurrection, proclaiming life because of His life to all who will believe,
the sermon, not to mention the preacher, has failed."
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