I still remember the first time I was introduced to the Stephen
Speilberg classic, Back to the Future. I had been sick to my stomach all
day, and I just wanted to watch a movie since I didn’t feel like doing anything
else. And as a (let’s just say) thirteen year old who had fallen in love with Star
Wars and everything involved therein, that was my natural choice for a
movie to watch. I remember my dad trying to change my mind by offering Back
to the Future as an alternative. I don’t remember exactly how he described
it, though he said something about a young guy and a car, but I remember my
response: “Why would I want to watch a movie about a guy who lives life with
his back to the future?” So I watched a Star Wars movie that day, and only
later ended up watching Back to the Future.
I watched the whole trilogy again this week, and one of the last
lines in the movie comes from Doctor Emmett Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd.
He says, “Your future hasn’t been written yet. No one’s has. Your future is
whatever you make it, so make it a good one.” That line reminded me clearly of
my first impression of the movie—relayed above—and challenged me in my
day-to-day living. Then, meditating on Leviticus 26:12-13 this morning further
engrained it in my head: “I will also walk among you and be your God, and you
shall be My people. 'I am the LORD your
God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be their
slaves, and I broke the bars of your yoke and made you walk erect”
(emphasis added).
It’s that final, italicized line that I want to focus on. Too
often, I find myself—and maybe you do too—living scared of the future, living
with my back to the future, staring at the past, saying, “based on that, how
can anything ever get any better?” If anything, I have lived much of the last
six years of my life—post-salvation—with my shoulders hunched over, as if a
ball and chain were attached to my neck. Fortunately, the Gospel is better news
than that. The gospel screams that the opening words of verse 12 are true even
now for the believer in Jesus: “I will also walk among you and be your God.” If
there is anything in this world that brightens your day more than that fact
right there, you should repent of your idolatry. And because Jesus walks among
His people even today, October 5, 2016, we can walk with heads held high.
In all actuality, it probably is our idols that keep our shoulders
hunched over. We look to them for joy and happiness in this world, and when
they let us down, we lose our hope and joy and our ability to walk well in this
life. The Lord wants us to walk well in this life. He doesn’t want our past to
dominate us. He wants us to look to the future with hope. He doesn’t want us to
stare at the past with our backs to the future; He wants us to walk into what
He has for us tomorrow with our backs to the past. The sins that we have
struggled with for x number of years don’t have to bother us again,
because, as Doc Brown said, “Your future hasn’t been written yet.”
And lest I upset some people who view life (and God’s sovereignty)
as making Doc Brown’s statement a lie, I would clarify that as far as we are
concerned our future hasn’t been written yet. God has sovereignly orchestrated
all of world history—past, present, and future—for His perfect end, and He
knows every detail about your life story—past, present, and future—and mine,
but no one on this planet knows anything about their life story except what has
already taken place.
For this reason, when we sin, let’s not believe the lies Satan
speaks into our ears. The lies that say, “You’ll never be free of this.” Instead,
let’s believe the gospel. The Gospel that screams, “Walk upright! Look to Me!
I’ve set you free! Don’t return to your old idols!”
So, in closing, I ask: Are you going to live with your back to the
future, and obey Satan, or are you going to walk with your face to the future,
and trust Jesus? It’s your choice!
Grace and peace
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