In my daily Bible reading this year
I already stumbled across something I’ve read many times before, but never
really thought much about. Genesis 18-19 tells of God’s plan to destroy Sodom
and Gomorrah and the carrying out of that plan. However, before anyone starts
pointing fingers at their assumptions about what I’m going to be writing about,
I would like to say that I think we might have missed the point of the story.
Genesis 18:17-33 begins the story; the cities aren’t destroyed until 19:24.
That’s 40 verses between God revealing His plan and actually carrying it out.
What Abraham does in 18:22-33 is part
of the main point of the story; a part that is normally missed for the sake of
overemphasis on 19:5 leading to 19:24. And while it is true that God refers to
19:5 as the cause for 19:24 all the way back in 18:20-21, Abraham’s actions
following this revelation are mandatory to grasp.
God tells him that He is going to
destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in 18:20-21. Abraham immediately starts pleading for
the city with God in 18:22 and following. He asks that if God can find 50
righteous people there, that He would then relent from the promised
destruction. God says He will. Abraham then requests 45, perhaps because he
doubts there are 50 righteous people. God again promises to relent. Abraham
drops it to 40; God promises to relent. This goes all the way down to 10; God
says, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it” (Genesis 18:32, NIV).
If there was ever a passage that
screams, “Love those who struggle with disgusting sins like homosexuality,”
this is one! Abraham did not want to see all those people destroyed, so he pleaded
for their lives. Sure, he knew his nephew Lot and his family lived in Sodom,
but as the next chapter shows, Lot was the only righteous person in the city:
his wife turned back (19:26), his sons-in-law laughed at him (19:14), and his
daughters later used him to produce offspring for themselves (19:30-38). Lot
was the only redeeming quality in the city. Perhaps if Abraham had gone down to
“one righteous person,” God would have spared the whole city for Lot’s sake.
However, in 18:32, Abraham does
what we too often do while praying: we think God doesn’t want to hear our
prayers go on too long. He said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak
just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” (NIV).
While Abraham may be excused for
not persevering in intercession, as believers in Christ, we have the hope of
Christ at God’s right hand, hearing us and interceding for us to His Father. “Let
us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may
receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16,
NIV, emphasis added). Because of Christ, we can know that God will never be
angry with us; sure, He will be disappointed when we sin, but He will never be
angry. We need never pray like Abraham, “Don’t be angry,” because Christ bore
His wrath for us. We should petition for ourselves to God, and intercede for others
to God with complete confidence, and when we think we’ve covered the need, we
should keep praying more.
This helps explain why 19:27-28 are
in the story. “Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place
where he had stood before the Lord.
He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and
he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace” (NIV).
Abraham realized his prayer wasn’t answered the way he expected. It is also
interesting that Genesis 19 is the last time we hear about Lot. As far as
Abraham knew, Lot perished when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. So, a lesson
to learn is also that God answers our prayers the way we need them answered,
even if not in the way we expect. Abraham wanted the whole city spared; God
saved the righteous one and some non-righteous ones.
So, the ultimate lesson in this
section of Scripture is: pray! Never stop! Pray until you’re tired, and then
keep praying! Plead for the souls of sinful people! Apart from Christ, you’re
no different than any other sinner. Pray for your city; you never know when it
could be destroyed, and prayer has power! Trust that God will answer your
prayer, because He always will. Even if He doesn’t answer it in the way you
expect, trust that He knows what is best, but also reflect on whether or not
you could have prayed more seriously about that situation—whatever it was.
Soli Deo Gloria.
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