Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Belated Valentine's Day Post

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Just wanted to share a valentines day story with you all.

"Once upon a time, probably around the year 2006, there was a man who loved a woman.
May not sound too out of the ordinary but it's true. This man was completely taken with this girl. Here's the thing though-- this girl was nothing to look at. In fact, according to society's standards, she was ugly-- overweight, pock marked face, and scarred from continuous cutting. However, this didn't stop the man from loving her. He saw something more in her, that even she didn't know was there.
One day, she was feeling especially low, and decided to go visit some "friends"-- who weren't really friends at all. They were desperate men who used women for what they could offer them. She had decided to become a prostitute in order to feel loved, not realizing there was a guy who loved her deeply despite who she was.
Well, to make a long graphic story short, she ended up murdering one of the guys who was using her because he kept calling her derogatory names and beating her. His friend decided to use a knife on her face and arms and legs-- completely mutilating her. When she finally got away, she ran right into the arms of a police officer.
He arrested her for murder and threw her in prison. The day of the trial came and the judge pronounced her guilty-- issuing the death penalty.
Just then the man who loved her came in and declared to the judge, "I'll pay any fine and take the death penalty for her! Just don't touch her."
The woman was completely confused. Who in the world was this guy? she wondered.
You see she had no idea the guy even knew her. All of a sudden he was ready to take her punishment. It wrapped her brain in knots.
The judge accepted the man's request. Pronouncing him guilty and her innocent. As she was led past him out of the courthouse, he said, "I love you. Don't ever forget that."
the end"

Well actually it's not the end. Look at Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

You see, this woman represents you and me. We are all guilty of breaking the laws of God. Maybe you haven't murdered anyone, but your still guilty. Ever told a lie?Ever stolen something? Ever disobeyed tyour parents?

Look at James 2:10: "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all."

You and me and everyone else on earth is a sinner deserving Hell. Thank goodness for the guy who pays the fine and takes the death sentence though. Jesus Christ. He died so we could live. And then, he rose from the dead so He could make Christians His bride.

Look at 1 John 3:1: "See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God."

Children of God, the Bride of Christ= the same thing. Jesus is God's son, so Christians are His sons/daughters-in-grace. Not in-law, because we aren't under law any more.

Take some time to praise God for loving you that much today. Or if you never have believed it for yourself, all that is required is belief in Christ and a repentence (turning) from sin.


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